Jesus Christ & Him Crucified

Through all the many “deliverances” …through “sozo” sessions, “guardians of the soul” and every other extra-biblical experience I have endured in the “name of Jesus”, being tossed from one “ministry” to another like a pin on a pinball machine, each one seeming to leave me more damaged than the one before, I have learned one thing: That I have nothing outside the name of Jesus…I can look to no person…to no ministry…All I have is Christ and Him Crucified: I have lost everything else (Phil 3:7). The Cross…the Sacrifice is all that remains. Everything has fallen, except this One thing. There is nothing else for me…nowhere left to run…except to His Cross…where I am undone: Where I am crucified…where I am born again to a new life…where I am free. It is here that I must dwell…daily…hourly…sometimes minute by minute - and how often do I fail. But Lord you are still good…you are still, always have been, and forever will be God…You and you alone will finish what you started in me (Phil.1:6)...