
Showing posts from January, 2025

John Ch.9

  Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind ~ Psalm 146:8 Jesus, completely unperturbed by the confrontation of before (in ch.8), is still walking in the temple area. Ch.9  1 As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth.  2  And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”  Although it is true that all sickness and disease can be traced back to the sin of Genesis 3:6-7, the inbred notion of the people, written on tablets (hearts) of stone, is that if someone has an infirmity (especially one from birth), it was the result of a sinful ancestral lineage. (This type of thinking may stem from the rabbis’ interpretations of Exodus 20:5; or from any one of a miriad of fables and theories they were teaching the people). Jesus, with great, authoritative MERCY, is about to overturn this notion, just as he overturned the money-changers tables in ch.2.  3  Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but ...

A Christmas Carol

Charles Dickens: A Christmas Carol   A course by Professor Dwight Lindley, Hillsdale College. My Notes: Lesson 1  Introduction: A “Ghost Story” of Christmas  A Christmas Carol The Framework  Charles Dickens was born 1813                                                                                                           He wrote this  “ghostly little book”   in 1843, during the height of the Industrial Revolution:  Where new technologies for agriculture, production and shipping are leading to more and more rural laborers moving to the cities - where they inevitably end up living in slum-like conditions: makeshift shantytowns. These places appear all over Dickens’s novels. Child Labo...