Passover - receiving the Blood of Jesus


                 The Lord’s Supper 

All who are thirsty, come unto Me;    Isaiah 55:1 - abridged
Buy wine and milk - its all free!
I hesitate as I ponder His Words:
"There must be something He wants", - and the Lord overheard:
"Silver and gold I do not require
But something far more precious do I desire:
Are you willing, My Child, to give Me your life:  Galatians 2:19-20
Your hopes and your dreams; your worries and strife?
The things you are proud of,
          and the things that you hide:
                   Can you trust these to Me, with your heart open wide?

"Are you willing to place My Will above all,   Luke 22:42
Even when it makes you feel so small?
For some things that you value, 
               when given up to My cross, -
things once thought as gain, you will now see as loss. Philippians 3:3-8

"Will you come to My Table to enter My Rest -   Hebrews 4:3, Matt. 11:28-30
Can you drink of My blood and eat of My flesh?                   
For here at My Table is where true Life begins:    John 6:53-55
My perfect Life, in exchange for your sin.

Are you willing to become the servant of all? Matthew 20:25-28
- where so few are chosen, though so many I call! Matthew 22:14
Can you abase yourself just like My Son,   Philippians 2:5-8
And esteem others greater - every one;    Philippians 2:3 
- as you realize your Rest is only found in My Love…
and that all that you need, only comes from above? Matthew 6:33, Colossians 3:2
Do you trust Me enough to find rest in these words: -
You are always with me. Everything I have is yours.” ?  Luke 15:31  (Read Luke 15:11-32)
Will you love My prodigals - welcome them home,
placing  their needs above your own? John 15:13   
"Will you build others up, not tear them down;  1 Thess. 5:7; Heb. 10:24-25,   Eph.4:29    Romans 14:19                                                                                                                                                                                            Will you build the wall?    Nehemiah ch. 3.4
Will you fight for the crown?   Revelation 2:10,  Revelation 3:11, 
Will you enter in through the narrow gate,  Matthew 7:13-14; John 10:9
By choosing Love instead of hate?        Ephesians 4:15
Will you let Me create a clean heart in you,       Psalm 51:10
so you love, not just friends, but enemies too?     Matthew 5:44,46

My Child, this is the person that I see in you:       Colossians 3:3
One like My Son - created brand new!               1 John 3:2
For only by this Way, can you be free:-              John 14:4-6
The whole of you - for the whole of Me!             John 3:16
This is the Gift that I willingly give when you come to My Table -
That you may live!"           Isaiah 55:1

So now, when I come to your Table
I'm bowing at Your Throne.
And I'm acknowledging that my life
is no longer my own.

As my fingers break Your body,
I'm confronted by  my sin;
And the gracious Holy Spirit
is convicting me within.
And this becomes a place where I confess and I forgive;
Turning from a sinful life, 
                    so I in turn may live.
Then, drinking from your cup,
Forgiveness becomes mine,
As the sacrificial blood flows from His Life, divine.

For the Life of Christ is in the Blood, 
So I come and I drink of this God of Love,
And I realize this is a Holy Place,
Where God comes to meet with us face to face. 


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