Pentecost vs. Babel

 Pentecost vs Babel

United in Christ vs united under Anti-christ 

In this hour more than ever before, we can see two opposing forces at work:

Satan’s desire is for mankind to become one under him (his servant Anti-christ) leading to the destruction of the nations (Rev 14:9-11; 12:12; 18:1-24)

Directly opposing this, Jesus’s desire is for His Church to become one under Him, leading to salvation and the healing of the nations. (2Peter 3:7-9; Rev. 22:1-2)

In Genesis 11:1-9 God confuses the people because they strove for earthly wisdom, worldly unity and to glory in the works of themselves (man)....(See Matthew 24:1-2)

In Acts 2:1-12, God unravels this confusion in a very miraculous and beautiful way, that the people might understand and glory only in Him....(See John 2:19-21). Through humanity’s weakness and confusion we see God bringing His strength and unity. At Babel, through tongues He Scattered; At Pentecost, through tongues He re-gathered.

So in Acts 2 we see the Lord perform a type of reversal of Genesis 11. Why? 

To show us that:

He - and he alone - is the One who scatters (Gen.11:8)…and regathers (Matt 24:31); 

and that:

the only way we are ever meant to function as one, is under His only begotten Son. Everything else He opposes, and so must we.

For more information see:


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