Reading the Bible

 The Book of Revelation never really made sense to me until I had read through Daniel and all the books of the prophets;

But the books of the prophets never really made sense to me until I read through all the books of the Law and the chronicles of Israel…beginning with Genesis. 

(It is futile to attempt to build a solid structure without first preparing deep and solid foundations…how can we attempt to understand the end of the book, if we have not first read in order, the beginning and the middle?)

A long time back, God told me to simply read the entire Bible from cover to cover, in chronological order, with no agenda in mind but to know Him. (chronological because it would be easier to connect the dots - and the Bible is a book of connection, where one scripture interprets another scripture, where everything in its context makes sense, and where there are no contradictions)

…Two things the Lord told me: “Keep going!” And “Hold on (because it’s going to be the ride of your life)!” So beginning in Genesis, I grasped, as if it were a climbing rope, the scarlet thread of Redemption thrown out in ch3:15 and hand-over-hand began the journey. 

Since I began…

~I have been healed and delivered of things I thought to be immovable. 

~I have a transformed and much more mature perception of God: Father, Son & Holy Spirit, which in itself has transformed me…I know Him.

Things I have heard so much, but now, through reading the entire Bible, I have seen with my own eyes….

~That Israel was (and still is) is the apple of God’s eye, (not because they deserved it, but because out of Israel would come the fulfillment of Genesis 3:15)…

~That Israel was (and still is) the center of satan’s attention…for this exact same reason.✝️

~That through Israel, Salvation would come to ALL the nations of the earth…because Salvation comes from the Jews” (John4:22)

~That other nations - whether good or bad - would  come and go, rise and fall ,but at the end one nation would be left standing, at the center of the whole Earth - Israel…

~That the Lord has an appointed time for the Unveiling of Yeshua the Messiah for Israel…it is out job to pray that they would be ready to receive Him when He comes.

~That the Lord has ALWAYS had only one plan…and is always one step ahead of satan, who is always pursuing…but never catching.

~That scripture in its context, truly does interpret scripture…I had not even finished reading the Old Testament and already half the Book of Revelation had been interpreted for me.

~That it is this “Revelation of Jesus Christ”…the closing chapter of the Book…that is the foundation of every other chapter, since the very beginning.

~That the Word of God is alive, active and sharper than a double edged sword. Heaven and earth will pass away, but the Word (John1:1) will never pass away (Matthew 24:35)


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