Finding Jesus in Isaiah 53

Finding Jesus Bible Study Part II

Isaiah 53:4  Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; 1Peter2:24

yet we esteemed him stricken,smitten by God, and afflicted. (Matthew 27:41-43)

***they believe he is a blasphemer..therefore God will not recognize or help him - because it is God Himself who is punishing him…They could not be more deceived.

Read John 9:1-3…a common perception was that those who were sick or dying were accursed and abandoned by God - 

Exodus 20:4-5; 

Romans 6:23.  

Here we see Jesus dispel this notion…and on the cross, He will take the entire curse upon Himself…and break it! See Exodus 20:6…also


Galatians 3:13 (Deut.21:23)***

5  But he was pierced for OUR transgressions;

Psalm 22:16; 

Isaiah 50:6; ....

(more types and shadows of Yeshua) 

He was crushed for OUR iniquities; 



Upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, 



***without the sacrifice of Jesus, we would have no forgiveness…and without forgiveness, we can NEVER know peace…***

and with his wounds we are healed. 

***Hebrews 8:12; for without the shedding of blood, there can be no forgiveness of sin. (Hebrews9:22)…And without forgiveness there is no reconciliation with God…and therefore no healing from sin…first for the soul, then for the body. 

It is by the Blood that we live, move and have our being in His Resurrection Life - because the life of a person is in the blood (Lev17:11)....This means that the Life of Christ Jesus is in His how much more will this Resurrection Life  save us when we apply it to every fiber, every cell of our bodies? (John6:53-56)***

6  All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; 

Matthew 9:36; 

Luke 15:4-7; 


***King David, as a shepherd himself, saw this Great Shepherd from afar off, when he wrote Psalm 23***

…and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all - John19:17; 

***See: John19:28-30/Exodus 32:20…He has tasted the bitterness of sin and death, for us***

To be continued…


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