Fundamental Christianity
Apologetics 101 Part 1
This is to clarify…against some of the cultish and new age heresy that is trying to enter the Church: This is what the Bible says.
Some of the issues posed here are common beliefs among cults. I have included some - but not all - relevant scriptures (there are so many).
If anyone has any other appropriate scriptures please put them in the comments and I will add them to the post.
Is God - The Lord, the Only God?
Isaiah ch. 43:10; 44:6; 45:21
Did God have a beginning?
Genesis 1:1-4 tells us that God is outside of time and is the Creator of time. Also Psalm 90:2; Job 38:4-7; Isaiah 40:28; Hebrews 7:3
Was God a man before he was God?
Psalm 90:2; Revelation 1:8
***God created man (Genesis 1:26-27). He created all life (Acts17:26); No man can create life…nor can any man progress to becoming God (See Revelation ch 21)***
Is man a god?
Genesis 2:7 (Made in His image and His likeness…yet we are humanity…not deity…nor can we progress to such)
Did man pre-exist before Genesis 1?
Genesis 2:4
***Just to clarify: Scriptures such as Jeremiah 1:5 & Ephesians 1:4-5 state that God knew us…because HE knows all…but we did not know Him) See also Job ch 38-41***
Will man ever “progress” to be a god?
Again Revelation ch. 21 shows us how redeemed humanity will end.
Is there a devil?
Genesis 3:1-5; Matthew 4:1-11; Revelation 20:1-3
Is there a hell?
Matthew 25:31; Revelation 19:20; 20:10
Is there a separation/difference between humanity and deity?
Numbers 23:19; Job ch 38-41 & 42:1-6
Is humanity inherintly good?
Psalm 51:5; Romans ch 3:23 & ch 5:12(a); 1John1:8-10
Can humanity save themselves?
Ephesians 2:1-6; Romans 5:6
Do we need God’s intervention to save us?
John 3:16, Romans 5:12(b) 2Corinthians 5:21
Is this the True Christian Faith
This is what the Bible (our final and only authority) tells us.
#FollowingJesus #OnlyTheBible
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