Psalm 127


A Song of Ascents. Of Solomon.

Psalm 127 Unless the LORD builds the house,

those who build it labor in vain.

Jeremiah 22:13

Zechariah 4:1-7


Unless the LORD watches over the city,

the watchman stays awake in vain.

***”The Jew would ask, why is the house being built, if not for family? 

…And why are the watchmen protecting the city, if not for the families in it?” (Boice)

I believe this is also how the Body of Christ is meant to look***

vs2  It is in vain that you rise up early

and go late to rest,

eating the bread of anxious toil;

for he gives to his beloved sleep.

Matthew 6:19-34

***Because, to the Jew there was (and is) no greater heritage given by God, to a man, than his family. Everything else was supposed to take lower priority.***

3  Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,

the fruit of the womb a reward.

***A warning to Israel not to offer their children (a gift from The LORD) up to moloch…as was the custom of surrounding nations (Lev18:21).

And for us today…we are not to despise our children…they are not supposed to be a curse, they are a blessing!***

4  Like arrows in the hand of a warrior

are the children of one’s youth.

No greater weapon or privilege do we have, than to bring up our children in the Ways of the Lord…the survival of Israel as a nation was dependent on this. And for us…? Matthew 24:14; Mark16:15. - The torch must continue to be passed down!

Our children do not belong to society…they are a gift from the LORD…to us.

5  Blessed is the man

who fills his quiver with them!

He shall not be put to shame

when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.

***Then and now, the family was the basic unit, and most important element of society (Boice)***

Our society may have been turned upside down, but we as a Church do not have to be.

It is my prayer that before His return, the Lord God of Israel, Yeshua ha Mashiach, will set us, His Body, right side up and united under Him who is our Head…And that, as parents , guardians, teachers, we would see every child given to us through the eyes of the Lord…

That as His Church, both men and women…husbands and wives…moms and dads…we would understand what our true and Godly priorities really are…and looking totally unto Him, we would walk in them (Zechariah 4:1-7)

For I have seen an end times Church that looks like a Family.

See also Psalm 128


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