Why Fast?

 Why do we fast?

To get God’s attention…to bend His Arm…to earn His favor…?

No: Through the Cross of Jesus Christ, we already have all of this.

So why then do we fast?

To refine us - For the Lord to teach us that “man does not live by bread alone, but by every Word of God”…That we would not look to things of this world (what we see,hear, taste, smell, touch) to sustain us, but that we would look to Jesus Christ - who is The Word…our manna from Heaven.

(2Cor 4:18; John6:25-58)

To refocus us - That our attention would not be on the things of this world to satisfy us…but to the things of God . Because the things of this world are passing away, but the things of God are eternal.


To reprogram us - That we would not be controlled by every demand and desire of the flesh, but that we would be controlled by the Spirit, turning to God as our first and only source.

(Romans 8:5-11)

To humble us - To get our attention back to the Sacrifice of His Son…for His Glory. “And I fed you with manna- a food neither you, nor your ancestors knew” (Deuteronomy. 8:3) … in other words, their survival in the wilderness had absolutely NOTHING to do with them…they were not their own saviors - YHWH was their Savior…and this was humbling. 

We must learn the same thing (there can be no celebrities in the Body of Christ). Revival is not going to come from any person…it will come from God…so let EVERY person seek God and His Kingdom FIRST! 

Whenever the Lord raises up prophets in the Body of Christ, it is to bring His people back to following HIM…not to following the prophet! Unfortunately, this is exactly what is happening. We need to stop looking to people. Because there is nothing we could ever do to earn or deserve anything He gives us! The sooner we realize this, the sooner we will be ready for revival…where all our pride and presumption will have been burned off…


The Lord will bring an awakening, different to anything we have ever known before…to bring in such a harvest of souls that will be beyond our comprehension…and 


He requires our obedience! Please God help us! 

What Israel went through in the desert - learning how to “worship God” with virtually nothing to help or sustain them, except Him - was a type of fast: And I believe God is calling us the same way…to lay down everything and everyone we are looking to and relying on (this is a form of idolatry)…and with empty hands and open hearts, repent and return to our First Love.

So yes…if we’re serious about revival, I believe we have to fast - Not for God’s benefit…but for ours!

Joel 2:12-13

Deuteronomy 8:1-4

#ArmyOfTheLord #fastforfamily #WatchmanOnTheWall #2chronicles714

Image from Olive Tree Ministries


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