Why do we trust in the blood of Jesus?...

i.  It is by the Blood that the Lord God made an everlasting covenant with us, to save us from death, hell & the grave. (Genesis 3:15 & 21; Gen22:1-18; Matt26:28)

ii.  It is by the Blood that God made a promise that in the Day of Reckoning, He would pass over/over-shadow us, so the destroyer could not touch us (Exodus12:1-30; Luke22:14-20)

iii.  It is by the Blood that God, through a New Covenant, pours forth Mercy upon us instead of judgement. (Genesis 4:10-11; Hebrews 12:18-24)

iv.  It is by the Blood that God forgives and removes all our sins, choosing to remember them no more, and thus, saves us from Death, Hell & the grave.(Psalm103:12; Hebrews 8:12); for without the shedding of blood, there can be no forgiveness of sin. (Hebrews9:22)

v.  It is by the Blood that we live, move and have our being in His Resurrection Life - because the life of a person is in the blood (Lev17:11; Deut 12:23)....This means that the Life of Christ Jesus is in His Blood...so how much more will this Resurrection Life  save us when we apply it to every fiber, every cell of our bodies? (John6:53-56)

vi.  It is by The Blood that we have no fear, but with confidence, can place our lives, our families, friends, homes, even our very identities, under its covering.

***It is by His Blood that we are Saved...and even if everything else caves in, His Salvation lasts eternally...and this is all that matters!***

#TheBloodOfJesus #nothingbuttheblood #remnant #FollowingJesus


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