The Tabernacle Tour #5

 Lesson 5

The Altar of Incense 

“I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.” (John 17:4)

Anchor scripture: Hebrews 9:1-10

Standing directly in front of the veil to the Holy of Holies and the Ark of the Covenant is small golden altar:

Read Exodus 30:1-6


Most of  items in the tabernacle are made from acacia wood, as well as  the beams used to support its structure and outer courtyard.

Renowned for its sturdiness, flexibility and durability, acacia wood was widely used for building and construction, being not only weather resistant, but also having a strong resilience, against corrosion from insects and fungi}

This will be our final stop: This is the final item before the Holy of Holies…directly in front of the Ark.

Continue reading Exodus 30:7-9…

Aaron stands before the altar as a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ, who as our Great High Priest who finished the work, stands continually before the Presence of the Lord, as our advocate. 

This is why, just like the lamps, the altar must always be active, so the incense can continually arise before the Lord. A perpetual reminder of the pure and holy sacrifice of His Son!

Read Isaiah 6:1-7…

This is the finished work of the cross….a summation of everything covered so far. 

Picture these live coals burning red…

This is all that remains of the wrath of God, for those who have put their trust in His Son: (what a contrast to the Fire of the Altar of Sacrifice!)

Because His Son finished the work! (John19:20)

Oh death where is your sting? Oh grave where is your victory? …

Indeed, Death has now been swallowed up in Victory… 

1Cor 15:51-57

From this Place, the perfect Sacrifice arises before the veil - an aroma pleasing to the LORD (Ephesians 5:2). Jesus the Messiah - The Great High Priest who offers the perfect sacrifice, has Himself become the Sacrifice. (John 17:19)  ~O the unsearchable mysteries of the Lord~.

It is from this place that our prayers…our worship will also arise: 

We know who we are in Christ…but the live coals (along with the burnished feet of Jesus in Revelation 1:15) are solemn and humbling reminders of where we have come from…and Who redeemed us!

***When we pray “Your Will be done, not mine” - Luke 22:42…

***When we deny ourselves, come to HIS table…eat of HIS flesh…drink of HIS blood -

(Remember the Table) 

Luke 9:23-24

***When we remain grafted into Him, trusting Him as our only source of Life -

(Remember the Lamp Stand) 


This is the Altar of Incense: 

Our prayers, our worship, our lives becoming one with His, rise up as a fragrant offering to our Father in Heaven. 

(Galatians 2:18-20)

Because…Divinity and redeemed humanity are finally reconciled…and God saw that it was good! (Genesis 2:2)

Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. 

And he touched my mouth and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for.” Isaiah 6:6-7

This is where our Great High Priest meets us, and from there, he will lead us, by His perfect sacrifice (the incense)…His finished work, into the Holy of Holies.

Aaron is a foreshadowing of this.

See: 1Peter 1:1-9…

…so let our trials be the thing that leads us into the holy of Holies…

So, Compare this altar, where Jesus the Great High Priest makes continual intercession for us…to the bronze altar of sacrifice…where Jesus Christ the Son of God became both the sin and the sacrifice on our behalf.

What a victory…One that only God Himself could possibly achieve!

For more on “the incense visit:

See Lesson 6 @


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