A Bond Servant

 James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, (James1:1)

Jude, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James,(Jude1:1)

There is no greater freedom in Me than to be My bond servant (Ps84:10). For through My vicarious death on the Cross, I have redeemed you…I have bought you back, as the master purchases the slave. For once you were bent beneath the load of your taskmaster, the prince of this world: But my Son took the weight of that burden upon His shoulders, and has given you His burden in exchange - which is light, and his yolk which is easy: Once you were slaves, to the power of sin and eternal death. You were by nature objects of My wrath. But now I say to you “Fear not! For I have redeemed you: I have bought you back, with the highest price imaginable: the Blood of My Son; And because I have purchased you, your life is no longer your own: I have called you out of this world and into my service…you are now mine; As My own personal possession you can confidently put your life in my hands , trusting in my perfect protection, guidance, provision and Love. And I am the perfect Lord and Master. You can call yourself my child - but you can also call yourself my bond servant - engrafted  into Me, with an unbreakable covenant of Love through service - and service through Love

(Song of Solomon 8:5-6)

For it is my desire that you would be yoked to me, as a bride to her bridegroom (Isaiah 54:6), to serve me in comfort and security, without fear of punishment…not through a Law that is still written in stone, but through My perfect Law - a covenant which I have perfectly fulfilled through My Son, and have now written on your own hearts. This my beloved bride, is true freedom (1Peter2:16)

Isaiah 43:1-2


Matthew 11:28-30

Ephesians 2:1-6

1John 4:16-19

#biblestudy #FollowingJesus


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