The Scars

 I thank God for the scars; I do not wish them away, nor pretend they were never there. For the scars remind the devil- and say to all, that I have been in the battle, and have overcome (Revelation 12:11); that I was thrown in the furnace, where my bonds where burned but I was not(Daniel 3; Isaiah43:2); that I have been wounded, but that by His wounds I have been healed (1Peter2:24; Isaiah 53:5):

And He (Jesus Christ) Himself bares His own scars. Why? So that He would be recognized...that people may know that it was He who took the curse of sin and death, when He was nailed through His hands and His feet, to a tree (Gal3:13); that it was He who brought forth a new covenant in His own blood when He was pierced and the blood flowed from His side. (Isaiah 53:5; Luke 22:20)

See John20:25-27

So what do our scars show to the world, except that we have passed from death to life, torment to peace, fear to security, hatred to Love... damnation to Salvation.

What is a scar? 

**A wound that has been healed, but has left a mark. When we have been healed by Jesus, we WILL leave a mark!

**The final connection between us and a world that is fatally wounded, that needs to know...!

**A way of saying “Look what the devil did...but LOOK WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE!”


So don’t be ashamed of your battle scars: Jesus’s scars showed His disciples Salvation; our scars will show the world the Way to Salvation.

...Galatians 6:14,17...


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