The “Epiphany” of the Magi
Today is Epiphany: the 12th day of Christmas (according to the song) and the day when Christians traditionally celebrate:
I. The visit of the magi to Jesus
II. His baptism by John
Both these occasions are significant because they manifest in various forms, the Diety of The Christ.
The Magi (or wise men) were a school of priests or “learned men” who were likely from the area of Persia - because of their diligent studying of the stars, which was a highly respected science in that area.
How they knew of Messiah we are not sure, but if they were from Persia it would be reasonable to suggest that they learned from the remnant of Jews still living in Persia at that time, (there were still a great number who had not chosen to return after the exile).
They may have even been descended from those “magi” who studied under Daniel. (Some scholars believe that they were Jewish - remnants of those who returned from exile.)
We could speculate as to what “his star in the East” could have been (Matthew 2:2): whether an astronomical, astrological or supernatural event. Whatever the truth is, these learned gentiles had enough scriptural knowledge, and a deep enough hunger for the LORD, to cause them to travel hundreds of miles in pursuit of not a star, but The One to whom it pointed: “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” (Matthew 2:2)
This makes the idea that they were from Persia, living among Jewish people and in some way influenced by the teachings handed down from Daniel, more plausible:
“The King of the Jews”…
They did not come to look…
They did not come to ascertain…
They came to WORSHIP!
~We do not know how many there were: Scripture says they brought three gifts; But in traveling such a great distance, it seems likely that their caravan consisted of a great deal more then the traditional “three wise men”.
~We do not know Jesus’s age at their arrival: Eight days after his birth (recorded in Luke ch.2), he is circumcised at the Temple in Jerusalem (Luke 2:21). Later still, in accordance with the Law (Lev.12:1-4) the family again go to the Temple, for Mary’s purification and Jesus’s dedication (See Luke 2:22:38) It is after this that Matthew picks up the story. Jesus has graduated the manger and the lower room / cave with the animals at this point, and is now living in a house (Matthew 2:11). From Herod’s evil edict (Matthew 2:16-18), we can surmise that Jesus was around the age of 2 when the wise men finally see him. ~~~~~~~
What we do know however, is that they were the first gentiles to worship Yeshua the Messiah!
Epiphany is special because we remember the first Revelation / unveiling of Messiah to the Gentiles…
And even in captivity…in a pagan land, we see how The Lord continued to use the Jewish nation as “the light of the world” and “the salt of the earth.” (Matthew 5:13-16)
When the Magi visited Jesus, according to Matthew ch. 2, they brought him very specific gifts:
*Gold: symbolic of Royalty and nobility (1Kings 10)
- Because Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords (Revelation 19:16)
*Frankincense: - offered up to God in Temple worship (again pointing to the Deity of Jesus)
- offered up by the High Priest in the Holy Place (Exodus 30) as a “sweet aroma” of sacred prayer; Jesus as our great High Priest will not only intercede on our behalf (Hebrews 4:14-16), but - and here comes the twist - will offer Himself on our behalf (Ephesians 5:1-2) as a sweet aroma of incense to God. The High Priest who offers the sacrifice, will Himself become the Sacrifice.
*Myrrh: (Isaiah 53:5) Symbolic of sorrow, mourning and death: Mrryh was one of the main ingredients used to anoint bodies for burial (Matthew 26:12)…Here again is the twist - and here we find the hidden message of The Gospel:
The Heavenly Deity…(frankincense - the sweet smelling aroma of the Lord’s forgiveness and redemption that came up from the High Priest of Heaven)
Who is The King - over all…(Gold)
Who is the Sacrifice - for all…(Myrrh)
The teachers of the Law, and Israel as a whole could not understand:
that their King and their Priest would be killed as their Sacrifice…
but it seems that a group of gentiles - Magi from the East - could.
Remember the sacrifice of your Son, Lord God…that continues to arise as incense from the altar before your throne. It is from this incense that we pray…
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