In the fullness of time…


In the fullness of time a seed was planted from the royal line of David, through the Holy Spirit, into the womb of Mary. (Genesis 3:15) Its purpose - to destroy the works of satan. (1John 3:8)
Right on time, Joseph, in obedience to Heavenly orders as well as earthly ones, traveled with Mary to Bethlehem in Judea. (Luke 2:1-7)
In the fullness of time, Jesus/Yeshua  (meaning “The Lord is Salvation”) was born in Bethlehem, the City of David (Micah 5:2, Jeremiah 33:14-15)
In the nick of time, Joseph, in obedience to God, took Mary and Jesus and fled to Egypt to escape the sword of Herod (Hosea 11:1).
In the fullness of time Joseph brought his family back from Egypt to settle in Nazareth (Isaiah 53:2)
Right on time, the Holy Spirit sent His prophet John to call for a baptism of repentance, to prepare the hearts of the people for the soon coming Messiah (Malachi 3:1, Isaiah 40:3).
In the fullness of time, Jesus Himself came down to be baptized by John, thereby uniting Himself (God) to mankind in our fallen state (Isaiah 7:14b).
At the perfect time Jesus, after overcoming satan in the desert, preached throughout the region of Galilee and Judea, (Isaiah 9:1) performing the signs and wonders first spoken of through Isaiah the prophet (Isaiah 61:1)
At exactly the right time, as the Passover lambs were being lead through the gate, into the City, Jesus the Messiah Himself, came up to Jerusalem through the East gate, lowly and riding on a donkey (Daniel 9;25, Zechariah 9:9)
In the fullness of time, as the lambs were being prepared  for Passover, Jesus invited His own disciples to 'take, eat and drink' of His own everlasting Life, in the symbolic form of unleavened bread and wine (John 6:35,48-58).
In the fullness of time, during the morning sacrifice, Jesus the Passover Lamb was 'bound with cords to the horns of the alter', as an everlasting sacrifice for all mankind. (Genesis 22:8, Psalm 118:27, Matthew 27:2)
At exactly the right time, at the point of the mid-day sacrifice, this same Jesus was nailed to a cross and offered up to God: A spotless lamb without blemish, yet ready to take on Himself the sin of the whole world (John 1:29).
In the fullness of time, during the evening sacrifice (Exodus 12:6-7), Jesus, from the cross saw that all was now accomplished, cried out the same and relinquished his spirit (John 10:17-18,  Daniel 9;26), bringing down forever, the barrier between God and  His Creation (Matthew 27:50-53).
In the fullness of time, having disarmed the powers of Death and Hell through living a sinless life, Jesus was resurrected from the dead, because Death could not hold him (Acts2:24) and for 40 days, appeared to His disciples (Colossians 2:16, Psalm 16:10)
In the fullness of time Jesus, leading captives in His train, ascended into Heaven and, once for all time, with His own blood, anointed the Holy of Holies, covering our sin FOREVER. He then sat down, victorious, at the right hand of His Father (Heb 9:12, Gen 2:2. Ps 110:1)
In the fullness of time, as promised, God the Father poured out His Holy Spirit on His waiting disciples, to shepherd and empower them by His Mighty Hand: taking of what is in Heaven and making it known to them (Joel 2:28-29).
Right on time, you and I were rescued by this same Holy Spirit, from the path of Hell and destruction we were on, and translated into the Kingdom of the Son of God, so we are no longer dead but ALIVE! (Colossians 1:13)
In the fullness of time Jesus Christ will return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, to fully unite us to Himself, that we may be like Him and be where He is (John 14:3, 1John3:2, Revelation 19:16).
In the fullness of time, God will purify the earth by fire, pouring out one final judgement upon satan, his demonic forces and all who have not placed themselves  under the covering of God's own Son, for whoever is not for Him is against Him (2Peter3:7; Revelation 16, Matthew 12:30).
In the fullness of time the Lord will make all things new and wipe away every tear from our eyes (Revelation 21:4-5)
So the fullness of time will surely come for all of us; of this one thing we can be certain. But the question remains: Are we ready? 


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